Welcome to Chris Cooking Nashville!

This website, along with the recipes and health information, are all the result of a long journey. Chris has been a foodie his whole life, and he’s been cooking since he was old enough to sit on the counter and help his mom in the kitchen. He grew up learning that cooking was a beautiful way to say “I love you” to those around you. 

Unfortunately after several decades of poor food choices and a lack of good information about health, Chris found himself weighing nearly 400 lbs and addicted to carbohydrates. He experienced daily pain, skin issues, mental fog, depression, anxiety and more.

After discovering the keto and carnivore diets and the related health information through Dr. Ken Berry, Chris and his wife began a journey with low carb foods in an attempt to regain their health and happiness. Chris began his YouTube channel, Chris Cooking Nashville, to document his health journey weekly in a vlog format and to share the recipes he was creating to combine his foodie heritage and his new found health on a low carb lifestyle.

Chris has lost almost 130 lbs, fixed all his health issues, and built a community of like-minded low carb cooks online through his videos. Currently he is working to create weekly recipes and to continue sharing his journey toward his ideal body weight and health, hoping to serve his goal of “changing the world one plate at a time”. 

Tune in weekly to see what Chris is cooking next. And remember…

Eat your meat, love your life!